Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cloze Pro - lower level content skill and higher level mechanical skills

  Cloze Pro

Learning Difficulties

ClozePro's flexibility enables you to meet the learning needs of all your students, including those with learning difficulties.

Speech support

High quality, British English speech enables pupils to listen to the sentence they are working on, and to ‘try out' words by listening to them before placing them in the gaps.

Customizable prompts

When you create an activity, you choose whether or not pupils will have access to the prompt tool, and if so, the nature of the prompt that will be given. This is a useful way to be able to give additional help while still requiring input from the pupil. The report automatically records all uses of the prompt.


The flexibility of ClozePro enables you to easily create differentiated activities for pupils of different abilities. Methods of simplifying an activity include:
  • Using a simplified version of the text
  • Removing fewer words from the text
  • Splitting up the text into smaller chunks, so that each page contains just one paragraph or even just one sentence
  • Supporting words with pictures
  • Limiting the number of choices for each gap
  • Varying the length of each gap according to the correct answer
ClozePro makes it easy to make these changes, so you can very quickly customize your activities to suit the varied needs of your pupils.
ClozePro includes built-in support for a range of special needs, including dyslexia, learning difficulties and physical disabilities.

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